On July 1, 2002 Pam and I visited the duck pond on the way to do some shopping at Foodtown. There were many ducks at the pond, but Pam suddenly spotted another bird. It was a little blue heron, standing on the edge of the water. The angle of the sun was very bad, so I ran to get a better angle; sad to say, I scared some ducks who in turn scared the heron and that was the end of that.
Next day, I returned at about the same time in the hopes of seeing it again. Instead, I saw my first green heron perched way up in a tree.
Even more amazing, the next day, in torrid temperatures, I tried again and this time I saw a great blue heron. Three visits in three days and three different herons. Sadly, I only have photographs of two of them. The picture at right should give you an impression of how high the bird was. For this shot, I was looking almost towards the sun.
In an effort to get a better angle, I made my way around the bank of the pond, negotiating past a couple of fallen trees that almost block the pathway to take the two pictures below:
The bird cooperated. Indeed, it ignored me completely and set about preening itself, after which, it enjoyed the sunshine.
