I have to confess to at first mis-identifying this bird. I thought it was a Lesser Yellowlegs, but wiser heads prevailed. The legs aren't yellow enough and the beak has both the wrong curvature and it is two toned. Also, had a yellowlegs happened along, it would have been a little bit larger than this bird. |
When a bird's wings go up and it starts to fly, the chances of keeping it in frame for more than a shot or two, is very low, so I'm happy that I was able to get the two pictures above. The bird had been spooked by a couple of kids who were riding a bicycle around the duck pond. The funny thing was that this bird didn't even show up until the kids had scared away the green heron, of which I had been taking pictures just a few moments before. While I cursed the kids for scaring away the heron, they proceeded to do me a favor by scaring the sandpiper in my direction. |
The "shore" you can see is actually a promontory of slightly higher land that sticks out into the upper pond. The green heron had been in almost exactly the same place as the sandpiper in the pictures above. Once again, it suddenly flew a short distance. To my amazement, it flew towards me, landing on the same side as me only about four yards away. That's how I got the two pictures below. In the second, the bird is just becoming aware that I'm standing there. A few moments later, it was gone. |