Wanamassa Birds

I frequently stroll the streets of Wanamassa, NJ, with camera at the ready to take pictures of birds. Here are the results for 2006.

My Photo
Name:Dave Saunders
Location:Ocean, New Jersey, United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

Shovel Off

For the last few days, each time I've tried to get a picture of the solitary shoveler it has presented me with essentially this view:

as it hightailed it to the other side of the pond. With all the tree branches cluttering up the bank, particularly on the south side where I normally first appear in order to keep the sun behind me, by the time I'm ready to take a picture, it's already across the other side and the best I can do is something like this:

But today was overcast and so taking pictures into the sun was possible. In that first shot, the bird had just noticed me on the north bank and had set off back to the south side. But for some reason, it turned and gave me the side-on shot before moving on:


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