Wanamassa Birds

I frequently stroll the streets of Wanamassa, NJ, with camera at the ready to take pictures of birds. Here are the results for 2006.

My Photo
Name:Dave Saunders
Location:Ocean, New Jersey, United States

Saturday, April 29, 2006

First Catbird of Year

Thursday, I waited patiently at the duckpond for nearly an hour in the hope that the kingfisher would put in another appearance. But no such luck. In that hour, I watched a couple of Canada geese swim from bank to bank, and I caught sight of one of the very large snapper turtles that live in the pond. The highlight of my hour was a male mallard that flew in, sat in the middle of the pond for a few minutes and then flew out again.

I gave up and set off back home, but my attention was caught by a familiar sound. And then I spotted the first catbird I've seen this year. It hid in a bush, so it was difficult to get a really good shot, but this one isn't too bad:


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