At right is a closer look at the ducks. I have to confess to a general feeling that once you seen one duck you seen them all. I suppose when I say that I mean Mallard Ducks. There are interesting other kinds of ducks around, but we don't see too many of them.
Actually, that reminds me! I did see an interesting duck here just the other day. Let me see if I can find its picture. Yes here it is. I took this on July 2nd, just before I discovered the green heron.
A look in Sibley's suggests that perhaps this duck isn't as interesting after all. It looks as though it is merely an escaped domestic duck of some kind. Still it was half as large again as any of the Mallards, so it certainly got my attention!
Today, July 8th, my attention was grabbed by an altogether smaller duck. By far the smallest present, it looked a lot cuter from a distance. Captured here with my telephoto lens, it looks rather mangy.
It also seemed to be rather unpopular with the other ducks who shunned it every time it tried to approach them. Still, with all that visible nutrition at the edge of the pond, who knows how big and strong this little fellow will become?