Loons and Grebes

Not ducks, but these birds have a very similar lifestyle. They migrate to the north to breed in the summer before returning to our waters in the late fall to over-winter here in their non-breeding plumage before repeating the cycle. It is quite common each March to see some of the birds adopting breeding plumage.


My experience of loons is almost entirely at or close to the ocean, but range maps and e-bird sightings clearly show that these birds are at home wherever there is water across the country, although, as its name implies, the Pacific Loon is more of a west coast bird. I have yet to see a Red-throated Loon in breeding plumage and I’ve so far seen only one Pacific Loon.


Over the years, I’ve mainly seen grebes on lakes and ponds but a Horned Grebe recently showed up in the ocean at Allenhurst and six years earlier a Red-necked Grebe appeared there in breeding plumage.

This page last updated Mar 19, 2021. The pink background indicates the target page is under construction.