Had this single encounter with a Winter Wren not occurred on February 3rd 2013, on a snowy Sunday morning when I happened to be at the front window with the camera ready, I might have gone many more years not even realizing this species existed and could be seen in New Jersey. At the time, I couldn’t decide if it were a Carolina or a House, not realizing that it was even possible for it to be something else!
So, Winter Wren it is. I had only a few seconds to capture it as it appeared atop the box holly below the front window. I was looking almost straight down from above the bird so my only three photos are all top views of the bird.
Had this single encounter with a Winter Wren not occurred on February 3rd 2013, on a snowy Sunday morning when I happened to be at the front window with the camera ready, I might have gone many more years not even realizing this species existed and could be seen in New Jersey. At the time, I couldn’t decide if it were a Carolina or a House, not realizing that it was even possible for it to be something else!
So, Winter Wren it is. I had only a few seconds to capture it as it appeared atop the box holly below the front window. I was looking almost straight down from above the bird so my only three photos are all top views of the bird.
This page last updated Aug 16, 2021.