Wanamassa Birds

I frequently stroll the streets of Wanamassa, NJ, with camera at the ready to take pictures of birds. Here are the results for 2006.

My Photo
Name:Dave Saunders
Location:Ocean, New Jersey, United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

Great Blue & Great News!

Yesterday, I was checking out the part of Deal Lake that is bounded by North Wanamassa Drive yesterday when I spotted a Great Blue. It put on a little show for me and I was particularly pleased with this shot:

but as I tried to get closer, it flew off and took refuge up one of the side-arms on the north side of the lake, too far away to even bother trying to take a picture.

So, what's the great news? Well, the accessory I ordered for my camera to allow attaching filters was delivered that afternoon, so now I have the equivalent of a 672mm lens thanks to my trusty on Canon C-8 which fits even better on my new camera than on the old. [Thinks: I should try it out with both C-8s attached the next time it's a really sunny day.]

It was the C-8 that made those shoveler shots I posted earlier so much better than the previous shots.


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